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La primavera ha llegado! Spring has arrived!

Updated: Oct 18, 2021

The week after spring break, we did a series of short quizzes. Each day was a different topic based on material that we had been covered recently. Here is list of the subjects covered in the quizzes:

  1. Day of the week

  2. Months of the year

  3. Basic weather terms

  4. alphabet recognition

  5. spelling (more for second graders)

  6. numbers higher than 20-100

  7. verb conjugation of -AR verbs

  8. masculine and feminine articles and their plurals

  9. adjective agreement with gender of subject

As a class, everyone did incredibly well. I was happy to see that as a whole, the class is performing well and retaining the lessons! woohoo! It was a good review of the taught material for the children and also a wonderful way for me to access the progress of the students individually and as a class. I hope that your child shares their quizzes with you!

This past week we have been taking it a little easy since 1) we had quizzes the week prior and 2) the second graders are in the process of taking STAR testing. We began preparing for our end of the year performance. We reviewed the Cumbia routine and began creating an acting skit that all the kids will participate in. They are a creative bunch! We first did it in English and having working on translating our ideas to Spanish and creating a script. I am very excited to see how it unfolds.

As for language material, we reviewed the grammar structure for the verb -IR (to go). Here is a quick recap.

  1. IR- to go

  2. Yo voy a …. I am going to…

  3. If the place is masculine, e.g. el baño, the -a combines with the -el to make -al. For example: Yo voy al baño.

  4. If the place is feminine, e.g. la casa, the a remains. For example: Yo voy a la casa.

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