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Nihao School April Activity Highlight

Writer's picture: i-Immersioni-Immersion

Playdough Series: Stacking

Children focus on stacking playdough.

Key Learning Outcomes:

  • Creative Arts: moves to act on environment with intent and control; observes and imitates, sounds, gestures, and behaviors of others.

  • Self-Emotional Development: shows interest in mirror image; uses pronouns "me" and "mine"

Play & Learn at Home:


Through the Rabbit Hole Children pretend to be bunnies as they move through tunnels and along paths.

Key Learning Outcomes:

  • Physical Development and Health: engage with caregivers in play that helps develop arm, leg, and core strength (tummy time, reaching, grasping, pushing) and refines flexibility, balance, and bilateral control and continues developing vestibular sense (performs stretching activities with adult help, twists at waist, bends over to pick up items with balance, begins to balance on one foot, climbs slide, begins to use pedals on ride-on toys, enjoys swings on the playground, spins, attempts inverted yoga poses, dances to music, etc.)

  • Math: explores moving body in space and observes other people and objects as they move and begins to understand and respond to positional words in directions; may include positional words in speaking.

Play & Learn at Home:


Oval Trail

Children follow an oval trail and explore their color and texture with bare feet.

Key Learning Outcomes:

  • Physical Development and Health: attempts new games with prompting, participates in a variety of moderate to vigorous play activities for short periods of time.

  • Math: explores sizes and shapes of objects with hands and mouth, and how they fit together, recognizes and matches some familiar shapes, expanding to shapes of different sizes and orientations; names attributes of shapes with adult support.

  • Science: explores objects and world through all five senses (touches and brings objects to mouth, focuses attention on people or objects).

Play & Learn at Home:


Bunny Bag: Infant

Infants make cute Bunny Bags.

Key Learning Outcomes:

  • Math: explores sizes and shapes of objects with hands and mouth.

  • Approaches to Learning: uses senses to explore the immediate environment, pays attention to people, objects, and sounds; after repeated experiences, remembers that unseen objects are still there.

  • Language/Literacy: listens and responds with interest to sounds and verbal communication of others; watches and responds to body language, gestures, and other forms of nonverbal communication and uses and imitates sounds, gestures, or signs to express needs and wants.

Play & Learn at Home:


Funny Bunny

Children listen to a rhyme shared by a bunny stuffed animal or puppet.

Key Learning Outcomes:

  • Language/Literacy: listens and responds with interest to sounds and verbal communication of others; watches and responds to body language, gestures, and other forms of nonverbal communication.

  • Social Studies: participates in holiday, cultural, and birthday celebrations for friends, family, or community.

Play & Learn at Home:


Peek at Spring

Children explore nature items.

Key Learning Outcomes:

  • Science: shows interest and curiosity in the natural world; pays attention to living creatures, and plants.

  • Approaches to Learning: uses senses to explore the immediate environment and shows the ability to acquire and process new information; remembers the location of objects that are meaningful to them, eventually developing an understanding of object permanence; searches for missing or hidden objects.

Play & Learn at Home:


Spring Walk 2023

Children go on a walk to look for signs of spring.

Key Learning Outcomes:

  • Physical Development and Health: participates in a variety of indoor and outdoor play activities that develop strength in arms and legs; attempts new games with prompting and gains mobility and ability to move from place to place (takes first steps, walks unassisted, begins to climb steps, begins to walk backward).

  • Language/Literacy: uses consistent sounds, gestures, signs, or words for a variety of purposes to express needs and wants which are understood by familiar adults uses new words each day for objects, and actions, and to describe feelings, etc.

  • Science: interacts respectfully with animals and plants; identify some living things by name.

  • Approaches to Learning: recognizes familiar people, places, and things; after repeated experiences, remembers that unseen objects are still there and shows the ability to acquire and process new information; remembers the location of objects that are meaningful to them, eventually developing an understanding of object permanence; searches for missing or hidden objects.

Play & Learn at Home:


Growing Flowers

Children celebrate spring by planting seeds.

Key Learning Outcomes:

  • Science: explores objects and the world through all five senses (touches and brings objects to mouth, focuses attention on people or objects) and shows interest and curiosity in the natural world; pays attention to living creatures, and plants.

  • Approaches to Learning: exhibits interest, curiosity, and eagerness in exploring the world in sight of an adult; remembers where a toy was put away; knows where things are kept in their environment.

Play & Learn at Home:


Daffodil Song

Children listen to a rhyme about a daffodil.

Key Learning Outcomes:

  • Language/Literacy: explores books with mouth and hands; attends to colorful pictures and photos.

  • Dual Language Learners: listens and responds to texts read aloud, answering more complex questions in a second language with adult support.

  • Math: listens and responds to an adult counting; responds to questions of wanting more.

Play & Learn at Home:


Mr. Golden Sun Dance

Children dance around the sun while singing a song.

Key Learning Outcomes:

  • Creative Arts: responds to and shows interest in musical sounds by turning head or moving body; explores vocal sounds through imitation and moves the body with some intent and control in response to music or songs.

  • Social-Emotional Development: develops and expresses preferences for food, objects, and textures and may push away non-preferred items, and responds to and shows awareness of other children.

  • Science: identifies and describes objects in the day and night sky with adult prompting; discusses current seasonal and weather conditions.

Play & Learn at Home:


Airplane Toss

Children fly and chase paper airplanes and compare which fly better, wet or dry planes.

Key Learning Outcomes:

  • Physical Development and Health: gains mobility and ability to move from place to place (takes first steps, walks unassisted, begins to climb steps, begins to walk backward) and uses hands or feet to make contact with mouth, objects, or people, eventually using hands to grasp small objects between thumb and fingertips; transfers objects from one hand to another; claps.

  • Science: uses senses to explore and manipulate objects to observe how things work; explores light and sound; observes how properties of matter can change (water and dirt; melting ice).

  • Language/Literacy: participates in simple two-way verbal or nonverbal (signs) conversations to express and talk about needs, wants, experiences, and ideas and begins to communicate in short phrases or sentences, combining two-three words.

  • Approaches to Learning: exhibits interest, curiosity, and eagerness in exploring the world in sight of an adult; becomes increasingly aware of colors, shapes, patterns, or pictures and asks questions, seeks adult approval, and tries new activities with adult prompting.

Play & Learn at Home:


Bird Dance

Children fly a bird prop around while dancing to lively music.

Key Learning Outcomes:

  • Physical Development and Health: moves body to travel and coordinates body movements in place; continues to develop proprioception (participates in tummy time, uses both hands equally, sucks/blows with drinking straws, begins messy play).

  • Creative Arts: responds to and shows interest in musical sounds by turning head or moving body; explores vocal sounds through imitation and moves and dances alone or with others; performs movements in songs and finger plays.

  • Social-Emotional Development: shows emotional connection and attachment to familiar adults and seeks familiar adults for cues about how to respond to the environment for comfort and support

Play & Learn at Home:

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