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Writer's picturei-Immersion

Nihao School June Activity Highlight

Caterpillar and Butterfly

Children enjoy the Caterpillar and Butterfly project by coloring cutouts.

Key Learning Outcomes:

  • Creative Arts: shows curiosity, exploring a wide variety of art media through sensory experiences, uses a variety of materials in exploring and creating age-appropriate artwork.

  • Physical Development and Health: uses hands or feet to make contact with mouth, objects, or people, eventually using hands to grasp small objects between thumb and fingertips; transfers objects from one hand to another.

Play & Learn at Home:


Cut And Tear

Children are offered an assortment of paper to tear.

Key Learning Outcomes:

  • Physical Development and Health: uses hands or feet to make contact with mouth, objects, or people, eventually using hands to grasp small objects between thumb and fingertips; transfers objects from one hand to another; uses more refined hand and wrist movements.

  • Creative Arts: uses a variety of materials in exploring and creating age-appropriate artwork, chooses and participates in art activities, using different materials to create artwork.

Play & Learn at Home:


Love You To The Moon Father's Day Card

Create cards to give to their dads or other special caregivers in celebrating Father's Day.

Key Learning Outcomes:

  • Creative Arts: explores a wide variety of art media through sensory experiences and responds to or shows interest in visual stimuli.

Play & Learn at Home:


Daddy, Daddy

Children talk about Father's Day.

Key Learning Outcomes:

  • Language/Literacy: listens and responds with interest to sounds and verbal communication of others; watches and responds to body language, gestures, and other forms of nonverbal communication, learns and uses new words each day to label people and objects, sing songs, make requests, and enjoys songs and rhymes and plays with sounds (imitates nonsense syllables, makes animal sounds, etc.).

  • Dual Language Learners: responds to gestures and simple directions in home and second language; begins to understand simple words in home and second language; listens with interest to picture books read aloud and communicates with others in second language by expanding sentences using increased vocabulary; listens and responds to texts read aloud, answering more complex questions in second language with adult support.

Play & Learn at Home:


Here Is The Beehive

Children listen to a number of songs with actions.

Key Learning Outcomes:

  • Math: listens and responds to an adult counting; responds to question of wanting more, explores moving body in space and observes other people and objects as they move, and shows interest in auditory, visual, and tactile patterns.

  • Creative Arts: responds to and shows interest in musical sounds by turning head or moving body; explores vocal sounds through imitation and moves body with some intent and control in response to music or songs.

Play & Learn at Home:


Leaf Cutting Trays

Children explore leaves and practice their cutting skills on leaves found from the outdoors.

Key Learning Outcomes:

  • Science: uses senses to explore and manipulate objects to observe how things work; varies behaviors to observe results, observes how objects move when acted upon; observes properties of materials (wet vs. dry; hot vs. cold, etc.), and shows interest and curiosity in natural world; pays attention to living creatures, plants.

  • Physical Development and Health: uses hands or feet to make contact with mouth, objects, or people, eventually using hands to grasp small objects between thumb and fingertips; transfers objects from one hand to another; claps, uses both hands to hold and manipulate objects, and gains control of small muscles while learning to use art media (uses scissors to snip; paints with large paintbrushes, uses large crayons); uses fine motor muscles in a variety of ways.

  • Approaches to Learning: uses senses to explore immediate environment, asks questions, tries new activities with adult prompting, and attends to objects, eventually experimenting with different ways to interact with them; responds to playful interactions with smiles and giggles.

Play & Learn at Home:


Grocery Store Visit

Children pretend to go on a field trip to a grocery store.

Key Learning Outcomes:

  • Social Studies: recognizes some familiar places such as child care facility, home, grocery store; locates objects that have been put away in familiar places, and recognizes that money/payment is needed to purchase materials; recognizes that people have basic needs; understands businesses in the community provide goods/services.

  • Science: explores objects and world through all five senses (touches and brings objects to mouth, focuses attention on people or objects), uses senses to explore and manipulate objects to observe how things work.

  • Math: explores responds to and shows interest in musical sounds by turning head or moving body; explores vocal sounds through imitation, moves body with some intent and control in response to music or songs, and imitates some movements and sounds in response to cues in songs or finger plays.

Play & Learn at Home:


Instrumental Play

Children play musical instruments together.

Key Learning Outcomes:

  • Creative Arts: responds to and shows interest in musical sounds by turning head or moving body; explores vocal sounds through imitation, moves body with some intent and control in response to music or songs, and imitates some movements and sounds in response to cues in songs or fingerplays.

  • Physical Development and Health: enjoys swinging, rocking, swaying to music, etc.); claps, and uses more refined hand and wrist movements (scribbles, stacks blocks, turns pages).

Play & Learn at Home:


Scrumptious Strawberries

Children make strawberry prints using heart-shaped sponges.

Key Learning Outcomes:

  • Science: explores objects and the world through all five senses (touches and brings objects to mouth, focuses attention on people or objects); observes properties of materials (wet vs. dry; hot vs. cold, etc.).

  • Creative Arts: shows curiosity, exploring a wide variety of art media through sensory experiences and responds to or shows interest in visual stimuli (bright colors, toys, mobiles, stuffed animals, etc.).

  • Math: explores sizes and shapes of objects with hands and mouth and explores moving body in space and observes other people and objects as they move.

Play & Learn at Home:


Soup Scoop Transfer

Children pretend to scoop soup into bowls as simple math concepts are introduced.

Key Learning Outcomes:

  • Math: explores moving body in space and observes other people and objects as they move, explores objects with different shapes and sizes, and uses words to describe differences in quantity and length; compares sizes of objects; explores ways to measure using non-standard units of measure.

  • Science: explores objects and world through all five senses (touches and brings objects to mouth, focuses attention on people or objects), uses simple tools to observe things in the environment (sifter, water jug, magnifying glass), and explores different ways to move objects by applying force; explores light and sound; observes how properties of matter can change (water and dirt; melting ice).

  • Approaches to Learning: uses senses to explore immediate environment, demonstrates a recognition of cause/effect relationships (pushes toy car and watches it roll away), and pays attention to people, objects, and sounds; tries to reproduce a desired outcome; cries to receive attention.

  • Physical Development and Health: uses hands or feet to make contact with mouth, objects, or people, eventually using hands to grasp small objects between thumb and fingertips; transfers objects from one hand to another; claps, uses both hands to hold and manipulate objects (holds block and adds another block to top), and uses hands and eyes together to complete tasks requiring a moderate amount of control (completes three or four piece puzzles, thread beads with large holes, uses shape sorter).

Play & Learn at Home:


Vegetable Soup

Children pretend to make vegetable soup while singing a song.

Key Learning Outcomes:

  • Language/Literacy: listens and responds with interest to sounds and verbal communication of others; watches and responds to body language, gestures, and other forms of nonverbal communication, uses and imitates sounds, gestures, or signs to express needs and wants, and with adult support and picture cues, shows understanding of short texts read aloud by answering simple questions, reciting repeated phrases, and identifying characters.

  • Creative Arts: observes and imitates, sounds, gestures, and behaviors of others, and uses imitation or pretend play to express creativity and imagination.

Play & Learn at Home:


Floor Coloring

Children enjoy tummy time while coloring on sheets of paper taped to the floor.

Key Learning Outcomes:

  • Creative Arts: shows curiosity, exploring a wide variety of art media through sensory experiences.

  • Physical Development and Health: begins to control body to gain mobility, moves body to travel, and coordinates hand and eye movements and controls small muscles when doing simple tasks.

Play & Learn at Home:


Can Labels And Stacking Cans

Children stack cans and containers while looking at their labels.

Key Learning Outcomes:

  • Math: listens and responds to an adult counting; responds to question of wanting more, explores sizes and shapes of objects with hands and mouth, and uses words to describe differences in quantity and length; compares sizes of objects; explores ways to measure using non-standard units of measure.

Play & Learn at Home:

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